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安科瑞 华楠




Abstract: The main function of protecting leakage equipment is to avoid direct or indirect contact with energized equipment, which is also a necessary measure for safety. As far as the basic requirements for electricity use on construction sites are concerned, the problems faced by the leakage protection equipment of the construction site during the putting into use are discussed, and at the same time, it can be upgraded. This can effectively reduce the occurrence of accidents and is also an inevitable requirement for ensuring the smooth use of electricity during construction. .

Keywords: leakage protection; construction site; electrical safety





The construction site is to use compulsory devices to protect the leakage equipment, the purpose is to ensure the safety of power supply at the construction site. Due to the special construction site, the leakage protection device is often tripped, which not only hinders the construction process, but also endangers the safety of the construction site. Combining the actual situation of the construction site with the electricity usage, the phenomenon of frequent tripping of the leakage protection equipment at the construction site is summarized, and daily protective measures to protect the leakage equipment are given.

The main function of the protection of leakage equipment is to protect the energized equipment in the process of leakage or fatal danger when the human body gets an electric shock. The equipment is mainly composed of switches, experimental buttons, talkers, the overall structure of the talk, and residual current mutual inductance. It is composed of several components such as a device. The grounding fault current of the protective equipment is between the leaking equipment that protects the leakage equipment, and when it exceeds the predetermined value, the main switch will automatically trip, and the fault current is cut off, which plays a protective role to a certain extent.

At the construction site, generally speaking, the electricity standards are not up to the requirements, and the facilities and lines put into use have many safety problems. The main characteristics are strong fluidity, multiple repetitions, and temporary nature.

1施工现场漏电?;て魑蠖鞯脑?/span>Causes of wrong action of leakage protector on construction site

1) 外界干扰。 External interference.

a) 雷击时正逆交变过程引起的过电压,通过架空线路、绝缘电线、电缆和电气涉笔的对地电容,产生对地泄漏电流,使剩余电流?;て鞣⑸蠖?,甚至直接损坏。过高时将造成?;て鞯缭春湍诓康缏返乃鸷?,带有失压脱扣器的自动开关脱扣线圈烧坏;过低时会引起失压脱扣线圈开关跳闸,合闸控制回路不能启动、带有机械闭锁装置的电磁开关因吸跳功率不足,使脱扣速度缓慢或拒动。

a) The over voltage caused by the positive and negative alternating process during lightning strikes, through overhead lines, insulated wires, cables and the ground capacitance of the electrical pen, generates leakage current to the ground, causing the residual current protector to malfunction or even directly damage. If it is too high, it will cause damage to the protector power supply and internal circuit, and the automatic switch trip coil with the loss-of-voltage release will burn out; The electromagnetic switch with mechanical locking device has insufficient suction power, which makes the tripping speed slow or refuses to move.

b) 铺设的各种线路与投入使用的用电设备在施工地进行照明的过程中出现了线路的乱搭乱建的情况,造成了线路的提前老化、线路与通电设施的绝缘电阻降低、电流泄漏甚至是出现接地的情况,造成了漏电?;ど璞付啻纬鱿肿纯鲇跋煺5氖褂谩R蛭┑缈氐氖涑鲋斩说南呗返木档缱杞档陀虢拥叵呓恿阆叩谋;ぃ诮新┑绫;ぷ爸冒沧肮讨?,电源的中性点没有接地。在出现触电情况的过程中降低了灵敏程度和拒动的现象。

b) During the process of lighting the construction site, the various lines laid and the electrical equipment put into use have been randomly constructed, which has caused the premature aging of the line, the reduction of the insulation resistance of the line and the energized facilities, and the current Leakage or even grounding has caused the leakage protection equipment to appear repeatedly and affect normal use. Because the insulation resistance of the circuit of the output terminal of the leakage switch is reduced and the grounding line is connected to the neutral line, the neutral point of the power supply is not grounded during the installation of the leakage protection device. In the process of electric shock, the sensitivity and refusal to move are reduced.

c) 环境变化干扰,这里主要的使指环境条件,例如夏季温度升高,雨季温润潮湿;或者是漏电?;ぷ爸弥芪О沧傲舜星苛艺穹牡缙枋换蛘呤窃谠诵械墓讨?/span> 长期受有害气体的不断腐蚀与侵蚀;使得漏电?;ど枋┑牡缱幼榧牡绱湃τ胱槌山峁沟鹊木党潭认陆?、出现霉断与锈蚀的情况,终使得漏电?;ど枋┏鱿执砦缶俣蛘呤蔷芏?。

c)Environmental change interference, the most important factor here refers to environmental conditions, such as increased temperature in summer and warm and humid rainy season; or electrical equipment with strong amplitude installed around the leakage protection device; or long-term exposure to harmful gases during operation The continuous corrosion and erosion of the leakage protection device; the insulation degree of the electromagnetic coil and the composition structure of the electronic component of the leakage protection facility is reduced, and the situation of mold breakage and rust occurs, and finally the leakage protection facility is wrongly acted or refused to act.

2) 漏电?;て鹘酉叽砦?。漏电?;て靼沧笆?,往往因接线错误或安装方式与线路结构不适应因发误动作、拒动或达不到佳效果。中性线穿过漏电?;て骱螅渌┑绫;て鞯闹行韵呋蛴肫渌挥凶吧杪┑绫;て鞯闹行韵吡谝黄?;中性线断线或接触**,致使中点电位偏移零电位;这些增加了中性线漏电和引发其他故障的几率。

2) The wiring of the leakage protector is wrong. When the leakage protector is installed, it is often caused by incorrect wiring or inappropriate installation method and circuit structure due to misoperation, refusal to move, or failure to achieve the best effect. After the neutral line passes through the leakage protector, it is connected with the neutral line of other leakage protectors or with other neutral lines that are not equipped with a leakage protector; the neutral line is broken or poorly connected, causing the neutral point to be biased. Shift the zero potential; these increase the probability of neutral line leakage and other failures.

3) 漏电?;て餮⌒筒缓侠?。通过额定漏电的流经电流大于30mA或者大于通电设备标准电流2倍的?;ぢ┑缟璞?,或者是挑选有延时效果的?;ぢ┑缟璞?,因为额定漏电的流经电流不断提高或者是灵敏程度的降低,使得漏电事故在发生的同时,末端的漏电?;ど璞该挥性诵?,上级的?;ぢ┑缟璞妇突峥级?。

3) The selection of the leakage protector is not suitable. Protect leakage devices with a rated leakage current greater than 30mA or more than twice the standard current of the energized device, or choose a protective leakage device with a delay effect, because the current flowing through the rated leakage continues to increase or the sensitivity is reduced, When the leakage accident occurs, the leakage protection equipment at the end is not operating, and the higher-level leakage protection equipment will start to operate.

4) 漏电保护器本身的问题。4) The problem of the leakage protector.

a) 固有的局限性。 目前的漏电保护器,不论是电磁型还是电子型均采用磁感应互感器拾取用电设备主回路中的漏电流,三相或者三相四线在磁环中不可能布置完全均衡,在施工现场有较多的电焊机等双相或者单相负荷,三相电流也不可能完全平衡,甚至会相差很大,这个电动势大到一定程度就会导致漏电?;て魈?。

a) Inherent limitations. The current leakage protector, whether electromagnetic or electronic, uses magnetic induction transformers to pick up the leakage current in the main circuit of electrical equipment. It is impossible to arrange three-phase or three-phase four-wire in the magnetic ring to be completely balanced. For more two-phase or single-phase loads such as electric welding machines, the three-phase currents cannot be completely balanced, and may even differ greatly. If the electromotive force is too large to a certain extent, it will cause the leakage protector to trip.

b) 质量差、参数配置不当。施工现场并没有根据相关的施工规范要求以及施工计划方案来进行漏电保护设备的购入,并且因为购入的漏电?;て髯陨淼闹柿康拖?,内部的实际情况与标准的参数标准不相符,刚投入使用的新产品就出现了误动作的情况。

b) Poor quality and improper parameter configuration. The construction site did not purchase leakage protection equipment in accordance with relevant construction specifications and construction plans, and because the quality of the purchased leakage protector itself was low, the actual internal situation did not match the standard parameter standards, just put it into operation The new product used has malfunctioned.

2.施工现场科学使用漏电?;て鞯姆椒?/span>Methods of using leakage protector scientifically on construction site


While improving the management of construction safety, it is also necessary to strengthen the knowledge training of construction electricians, and the prevention methods adopted must be specified in accordance with the actual situation and construction technology.

1) 避免外界干扰。避免雷电过电压干扰引起误动作的措施除在架空线路上安装避雷器或击穿间隙,及在总配电箱处安装150mA,0.2s的延时型漏电断路器外,为了防止中性点位移过电压损坏或降低漏电断路器的灵敏度,还应调整负载,使之尽可能均匀地分布在三相线上,调换分支线相序,减小三相绝缘电阻不平衡电流,交换中性线,使导线截面积不小于各相线的导线截面。

1)Avoid external interference.Measures to avoid malfunction caused by lightning over voltage interference include installing lightning arresters or breakdown gaps on overhead lines, and installing 150mA, 0.2s delay type leakage circuit breakers at the main distribution box, in order to prevent excessive neutral point displacement If the voltage is damaged or the sensitivity of the leakage circuit breaker is reduced, the load should be adjusted to distribute it on the three-phase line as evenly as possible. The cross-sectional area of the conductor shall not be less than the cross-section of the conductor of each phase line.


2) 正确选配安装接线

a) 选配与线路相适应。漏电开关的额定电压、额定电流、分断能力等性能指标应与线路条件相适应。电源干线?;び寐┑绫;て骱椭斩松璞赣寐┑绫;て鞯哪褪艿缪褂兴煌5缭锤上吆椭斩朔⑸鹗粜越拥毓收鲜彼墓收系缌骺上嗖罴副?。

b) 实行分级分区保护。把整个施工场地根据专业与不同的相邻施工团队分布成不同的漏电?;ど璞盖颍恳桓霰;で蛑诙?/span>有一套完整的二级漏电的?;ど枋庋谝欢ǔ潭戎谀芄惶嵘霰;で虻牧槊舫潭?,并且还能减少?;ぢ┑缟柚贸鱿痔⑶榭龅募嘎?,减少因故障出现停电的现象

c) 严格区分中性线和保护线。漏电?;て鞅暧懈汉刹嗪偷缭床嗍?,应按规定安装接线,不得反接。三级四线式或四极式漏电保护器的中性线应接入漏电?;て?,经过漏电?;て鞯闹行韵卟坏米魑;は?、不能重复接地或接设备外露可导电部分。负荷侧的中性线不得与其他回路共用。

2) Correctly select and install wiring

a) The selection must be compatible with the line. The performance indicators such as the rated voltage, rated current, and breaking capacity of the leakage switch should be adapted to the line conditions. The withstand voltage of the leakage protector for mains protection and the leakage protector for terminal equipment is different. When a metallic ground fault occurs in the mains of the power supply and the terminal, the fault current generated can be several times different.

b) Implement hierarchical and zoned protection. The entire construction site is distributed into different leakage protection equipment areas according to majors and different adjacent construction teams. Each protection area must have a complete set of secondary leakage protection facilities, which can improve the entire The sensitivity of the protection area can also reduce the probability of tripping of the protection leakage setting, and reduce the phenomenon of power outage due to faults

c) Strictly distinguish between neutral line and protection line. When the leakage protector is marked with the load side and the power side, the wiring should be installed according to the regulations, and no reverse connection is allowed. The neutral line of the three-level four-wire or four-pole leakage protector should be connected to the leakage protector. The neutral line passing through the leakage protector shall not be used as a protection line, and it cannot be repeatedly grounded or connected to the exposed conductive parts of the equipment. The neutral line on the load side must not be shared with other circuits.

3. 产品概述General product




The common phase-to-phase short circuit can generate a large current, which can be protected by a switch. However, the current leakage caused by human body electric shock and line aging and the ground fault of the equipment are caused by leakage current. The leakage current is generally at 30mA-3A, these values are so small that traditional switches cannot be protected, so a residual current-operated protection device must be used.

The residual current relay is a residual current transformer to detect the residual current, and under specified conditions, when the residual current reaches or exceeds a given value, one or more electrical output circuit contacts in the electrical appliance will be opened and closed. Switch electrical appliances.

Here are three common leakage situations.


1. High-sensitivity RCD with I△n≤30mA must be used to prevent direct contact and electric shock



2. The medium sensitivity RCD with I△n greater than 30mA can be used to prevent indirect contact electric shock.



34-pole or 2-pole RCD is required for fire-resistant RCD.


对于IT系统,按规定采用剩余电流继电器。为防止系统绝缘降低和作为二次故障后备?;?,依据接线型式,采用类似 TT TN 系统的?;ご胧?。首先应采用绝缘监视装置,预测一次故障。

For IT systems, residual current relays are used as required. In order to prevent the insulation of the system from degrading and as a secondary fault backup protection, according to the wiring type, a protective measure similar to the TT or TN system is adopted. First, an insulation monitoring device should be used to predict a failure.



For the TT system, a residual current relay is recommended. Because when a single-phase grounding fault occurs, the fault current is very small and difficult to estimate. If the operating current of the switch is not reached, a dangerous voltage will appear on the housing. At this time, the N wire must pass through the residual current transformer.


对于TN-S系统,可采用剩余电流继电器。更快速灵敏切断故障,以提高**可靠性,此时 PE 线不得穿过互感器,N 线穿互感器,且不得重复接地。 

For the TN-S system, a residual current relay can be used. Cut off the fault more quickly and sensitively to improve safety and reliability. At this time, the PE wire must not pass through the transformer, and the N wire must pass through the transformer, and it must not be grounded repeatedly.



对于TN-C系统,不能采用剩余电流继电器。因为 PE 线和 N 线合一,若 PEN 线不重复接地,当外壳带电,互感器进出电流相等,ASJ拒动;若PEN线重复接地,部分单相电流将流入重复接地,达一定值后,ASJ 误动。 需将TN-C系统改造成TN-C-S系统,同TN-S系统,再将剩余电流互感器接入TN-S系统中。

For TN-C systems, residual current relays cannot be used. Because the PE wire and the N wire are integrated, if the PEN wire is not repeatedly grounded, when the housing is energized, the current in and out of the transformer is equal, and the ASJ refuses to move; if the PEN wire is repeatedly grounded, part of the single-phase current will flow into the repeated grounding. After reaching a certain value, ASJ malfunctioned. It is necessary to transform the TN-C system into a TN-C-S system, which is the same as the TN-S system, and then connect the residual current transformer to the TN-S system.

4.产品简介Product description



Acrel Electric's ASJ series residual current relay can meet the protection of the above-mentioned leakage conditions. It can be used in conjunction with a remote trip switch to cut off the power supply in time to prevent indirect contact and limit the leakage current. It can also be directly used as a signal relay to monitor power equipment. It is especially suitable for the safety protection of electricity consumption in schools, commercial buildings, factory workshops, bazaars, industrial and mining enterprises, national key fire-fighting units, smart buildings and communities, subways, petrochemicals, telecommunications and national defense departments.

There are two main installation methods for ASJ series products. ASJ10 series are rail-mounted installations. The shape and functions are shown in the following table:

































1. Residual current measurement

2. Over-limit alarm

3. The rated residual operating current can be set

4. The limit non-driving time can be set

5. Two sets of relay output

6. With local/remote test/reset function

1. AC type residual current measurement

2. Current limit alarm indication



1. A type residual current measurement

2. Current percentage bar display



1. A type residual current measurement

2. Segment LCD display

3. Transformer disconnection alarm

4. Pre-alarm value can be set, return value can be set

5. 25 event records



ASJ20 series are panel mounted, the shape and functions are shown in the following table:


























1. Residual current measurement

2. Over-limit alarm

3. The rated residual operating current can be set

4. The limit non-driving time can be set

5. Two sets of relay output

6. With local/remote test/reset function

1. AC type residual current measurement

2. Current limit alarm indication



1. A type residual current measurement

2. Current percentage bar display




The difference between AC type and A type residual current relay is: AC type residual current relay is a residual current relay that can ensure the tripping of residual sinusoidal AC current that is suddenly applied or slowly rising, and mainly monitors sinusoidal AC signals. The A type residual current relay is a residual current relay that can ensure the tripping of the residual sinusoidal alternating current and residual pulsating direct current that is applied suddenly or slowly. It mainly monitors the sinusoidal alternating current signal and the pulsed direct current signal.

The specific wiring terminals and typical wiring of the instrument are as follows:




The leakage protection device can prevent the human body from unconsciously contacting the energized equipment and causing electric shock, which can effectively reduce the damage caused, and has a good preventive effect on electrical fires caused by arc grounding. ASJ series residual current relay products can monitor the leakage current in the line. When the leakage current reaches or exceeds the set value, the internal relay will act to issue an alarm, and can be linked with the circuit breaker switch to quickly cut off the line to ensure line safety.


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